
Israel United Arab Emirates Agreement

December 11, 2020AdministratorUncategorized0

This is the first such agreement between the Jewish state and an Arab country. It should be noted that even Israel`s closest ally, the United States, has so far refused to sign a visa waiver agreement with the Jewish state. The first is the strengthening of multi-party support for U.S.-UAE relations in Washington to ensure their sustainability for the future. Among Democrats, Abu Dhabi`s close union with the Trump administration and participation in the war in Yemen have damaged the country`s carefully maintained image. At the same time, hawkish Republicans could raise their eyebrows over the UAE`s close cooperation with China on technology and defense – perhaps the thorniest points in the rivalry between the United States and China – and the UAE talks with Iran over managing the COVID 19 crisis and easing tensions in the Gulf. The standardization agreement with Israel is a double assurance for the United Arab Emirates vis-à-vis Washington: the agreement is called the “Abraham Agreement” to present normalization as a triumph of interfaith peace and tolerance. This framework aims to restore the favor of the United Arab Emirates among the moderate Democrats who support Israel and who have been disturbed by the great gap between the values between the United States and its Gulf allies, while giving a sitting Republican president an electoral boost against a Democrat challenger, perhaps less forgiving. And if the deal helps Trump`s re-election, it will probably be even more favorable to Abu Dhabi. Amira Hass wrote that the agreement was the result of the Palestinian Authority`s continued neglect of relations with the United Arab Emirates. According to hate, diplomatic relations were severed in 2012 by the PLO to deny the UAE`s good relations with Mohammed Dahlan, the political enemy of PLO President Mahmoud Abbas. The PNA`s animosity towards the UAE continued to June 2020, when the PLO rejected aid sent by the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic, by the grounds that it was it was felt without prior agreement and through an Israeli airport.

Hatred is a PLO more concerned with domestic politics than with governance, which contributes to economic decline and strained external relations. [164] The Government of Oman has publicly supported the agreement (which it described as “historic”). [58] The Grand Mufti of Oman, Ahmed bin Hamad al-Khalili, indirectly criticized the treaty. [59] Ahmed Mulla Talal, spokesman for the Iraqi government, said that Iraq would not interfere in the sovereign affairs of other countries, but that its laws did not allow for the normalization of relations with Israel. [60] The News International reported that Pakistan, after consultation and consideration of the pros and cons of the evolution of Pakistan`s national interests, would take a position on the agreement on Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

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