
Microsoft DreamSpark Yatra 2012 at Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon on 3rd April, 2012

The Microsoft Student Partners, Microsoft Kurukshetra User Group, Microsoft Technical Club ITM University and Dronacharya College Engineering have the pleasure of inviting you to DreamSpark Yatra on 3rd April, 2012 in Gurgaon. DreamSpark Yatra (DSY) is a Microsoft India initiative empowering students who are passionate about technology to get an insightful overview of the current trends in the software industry. As a part of this national campaign, DreamSpark Yatra bring the brightest students and professionals of the IT world and put them together – to discuss about technology, careers in computer science, give technical presentations and some exciting demos. Microsoft’s intension behind DSY is to broaden the technical horizon of the students pursuing or willing to pursue a career in Computer Science/IT and inject them with real-world skills. By that, DSY mean stuff beyond for loop, logic gates and the 8086 – things that engineers were not taught at the university. “Today’s students are tomorrow’s decision makers” is the motto that drives DSY in striving to provide with the latest tools and resources which every student needs to be successful in IT. We are looking forward to meet you at the DreamSpark Yatra, which we hope will pave the path for supporting your innovative ideas by the upcoming technologies from Microsoft. Kindly register at dsygurgaon2012.doattend.com and last date is 29th March 2012. The DreamSpark Yatra will be held in the premises of the Dronacharya College of Engineering. Khetawas, Gurgaon, Haryana. If you need any information about this event in Gurgaon, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact Information
Anupam Atri (+91- 9650045118) anupam.atri@studentpartner.com
Avni Gupta avni.gupta@studentpartner.com
Neetika Kataria neetika.kataria@studentpartner.com
Piyush Saini (+91-9958915037) piyush.saini@studentpartner.com
Shailendra Shukla (+91-9990801867) shailendra.shukla@studentpartner.com
Sulbha Bansal sulbha.bansal@studentpartner.com
Vikram Gupta (+91-9971836572) vikram.gupta@studentpartner.com